A Genie Achievement
For several years I have wanted to apply for a Veterans Administration headstone for my great-grandfather’s cemetery plot. I finally did it this year and I count it among my genealogy achievements. I’ve written many posts that include information about my great-grandfather David L. Osborne, [1] particularly about his service during the American Civil War and his participation with the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) post to which he belonged. It seemed appropriate, to me, that his burial plot have a headstone recognizing the service that was an important part of his identity while he was alive.
Crown Hill Cemetery
David Osborne, 1847-1942, purchased four cemetery plots at Crown Hill Cemetery [2] in Indianapolis in 1918. The purchase coincided with the death of his wife, my great-grandmother, Marzella “Jennie” Warbington Osborne, 1857-1918. I do not known why he purchased four plots, certainly one for Jennie and one for himself. But, what was his thinking about the other two? Perhaps he was thinking of his unmarried daughter Sadie for one, and perhaps his recently divorced son Rollin for the other? I will never know, but as it turned out those two spare plots were used before David’s own death. In 1928 my paternal grandfather, Earl LaFara, 1888-1928, was buried in one plot. Then, in 1940, David and Jennie’s daughter, my grand-aunt, Sadie Osborne, 1888-1940, was buried in the other spare plot.
Veteran’s Headstone
Another question I have no answer for is, “Why was there no headstone on David’s plot?” I asked my father this question on more than one occasion. He did not have a definitive answer, but speculated that his mother had intended to purchase a headstone, or acquire one through a veteran’s group, but had not for whatever reason. Nonetheless, last year I decided it was time for me to tackle the paperwork required and request a veteran’s headstone for my great-grandfathers grave.
Headstone Request
The documentation in my case needed to be self-provided because the Department of Veteran’s Affairs does not have discharge or service records for veterans prior to WWI. Fortunately, I have my great-grandfather’s discharge paper and a digital copy of it was adequate. I also provided a digital copy of his death certificate. These were in addition to the required VA form VA40-1330. This form is available on the VA website, see the links below. The form is in PDF format and can be completed using Acrobat or it can be printed out and filled in by hand. Either way, there is a section that needs to be completed by the cemetery where the veteran is buried. In my case, Crown Hill completed their section and made the submission, with my documentation, on my behalf.
I was surprised at how quickly the stone arrived once the request was submitted, less than two weeks. I did pay for the cemetery to place the stone, I think this is common practice even for a veterans marker. As you can see from the photo, I chose the flat granite marker because I think it is more in keeping with the markers for Jennie, Earl, and Sadie which have been in place for many years.
Create online credentials for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs https://eauth.va.gov/accessva/
The National Cemetery Administration is part of the VA and oversees all veteran burial benefits, https://www.cem.va.gov/ This is a good website to find benefits, forms, cemetery, and burial information for veterans.
Use VA Form VA40-1330 to apply for a headstone https://www.va.gov/find-forms/about-form-40-1330/
Additional forms are required for veterans whose service was WWI, or later.
This was an achievement for me, one I had intended to do for some time. As it turned out, it was not as difficult as I had imagined. If you need help or encouragement with applying for a veteran’s grave marker, I am willing to assist you.
Previous Posts
- 2018, David L. Osborne, Civil War Soldier about David’s Civil War experience.
- 2021 Week 40: Preservation includes photos of David’s VA burial flag
- Profile for David L. Osborne, ‘Osborn‘ family tree, Ancestry.com; https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/13493206/person/-60124040/facts
- Website, Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis https://crownhillhf.org/visit/