52 Ancestors,
in 52 Weeks
Week 7:

I consider immigration to be a large part of the American narrative. I have long wanted to put together a list of my known immigrant ancestors, the date of their immigration, and the ship they arrived on. However, once I started building this table, I realized it’s a lot of people! Including the sources will double, or triple, the table size. Therefore, for anyone who would like a source citation for a particular individual, please feel free to contact me. And, for now, I am just posting my paternal ancestors. I’ll come back later for the maternal side, or do a separate post for them.
My Paternal - Paternal Known Immigrant Ancestors
birth - death |
Port |
Relationship |
Johannes John Laferre 1734 - ? |
14 Sep 1753 Philadelphia |
Edinburgh |
Germany Paternal 4th GGF |
Johann Paul Illges 1706 - 1761 Maria Catherine Blau 1710 - 1785 |
18 Aug 1750 Philadelphia |
St. Andrew |
Germany Paternal 5th GGP |
Johannes Jacob Frey 1740 - 1792 |
14 Sep 1753 Philadelphia |
Edinburgh |
Germany Paternal 5th GGF |
Johan Michael Schmelzer 1690 - 1745 |
19 Sep 1738 Philadelphia |
Thistle |
Germany Paternal 6th GGF |
Johan Jacob Kready 1748 - 1828 |
1777 unknown |
with Hessians |
Germany Paternal 4th GGF |
Johannes John Hebble 1725 - 1794 Anna Elizabeth Karst 1714 - 1794 |
21 Aug 1750 Philadelphia |
Anderson |
Germany Paternal 6th GGP |
Hans Johannes Stauffer 1722 - 1798 |
24 Sep 1737 Philadelphia |
Virtuous Grace |
Switzerland Paternal 6th GGF |
Peter Lindburg Guth 1685 - 1754 Anna Margaret Geetha 1685 - 1770 |
1727 Philadelphia |
Molly |
Switzerland Paternal 6th GGP |
Michael Shenk 1700 - 1744 |
1727 Philadelphia |
Molly |
Switzerland Paternal 7th GGF |
Henry Whitestick 1759 - 1804 |
1772 Philadelphia |
poss. Brittania |
Switzerland Paternal 5th GGF |
My Paternal - Maternal Known Immigrant Ancestors
birth - death |
Port |
Relationship |
Thomas Osborn 1594 - 1677 Mary Goatly 1601 - 1687 |
1637 Boston |
Hector |
England Paternal 9th GGP |
John Hand 1609 - 1660 Alice Elizabeth Gransden 1613 - 1687 |
1635 Boston |
The Peter Bonaventurer |
England Paternal 9th GGP |
John Stratton 1621 - 1684 |
1637 Salem |
unknown |
England Paternal 9th GGF |
John Bancroft 1589 - 1637 Jane Bohython 1601 - 1644 |
1632 Salem |
James |
England Paternal 10th GGP |
Joseph Baldwin 1609 - 1684 Hannah Whitlock 1613 - 1661 |
1638 Salem? |
Martin |
England Paternal 8th GGP |
John Whitlock 1585 - 1658 Sarah Vile 1587 - 1660 |
1638 Salem? |
Martin |
England Paternal 9th GGP |
John Ward 1625 - 1694 |
1639 unknown |
unknown |
England Paternal 8th GGF |
William Hills 1608 - 1683 |
1632 Salem? |
William & Francis |
England Paternal 9th GGF |
Richard Lyman 1580 - 1642 Sarah Osborne 1589 - 1642 |
1631 Boston |
unknown |
England Paternal 10th GGP |
Jasper Crane 1599 - 1680 Alice Leave 1608 - 1675 |
1637 Boston |
Hector | England Paternal 8th GGP |
Richard Treat 1584 - 1670 Alice Gaylord 1594 - 1670 |
1637 Boston |
unknown | England Paternal 9th GGP |
Edmund Tapp 1578 - 1658 Anne Hirts 1583 - 1673 |
1637 Boston |
unknown | England Paternal 9th GGP |
John Derby 1610 - 1652 Alice Chapman 1614 - 1691 |
1637 Boston |
unknown | England Paternal 8th GGP |
Jeffrey Hawkins 1640-1711 Dorothy Mattock 1640 - 1685 |
1682 Philadelphia |
The Welcome | England Paternal 8th GGP |
Joseph Frazee 1643 - 1714 |
by 1666 unknown |
unknown | Scotland Paternal 8th GGF |
Daniel Cole 1613 - 1694 |
1633 Boston |
Mary and James | England Paternal 8th GGF |
William Collier 1585 - 1671 Jane Clarke 1590 - 1666 |
1633 Boston |
Mary and James | England Paternal 9th GGP |
Richard Childs 1624 - 1691 |
1648 Boston |
unknown | England Paternal 8th GGF |
Robert Linnell 1584 - 1661 Peninah Howse 1599 - 1669 |
1638 Boston |
unknown | England Paternal 9th GGP |
George Allen 1567 - 1648 |
1635 Boston |
unknown | >England Paternal 10th GGF |
William Thorne 1616 - 1664 |
1629 Boston |
unknown | England Paternal 10th GGF |
Sarah Booth 1617 - 1675 |
by 1640 Boston |
unknown | England Paternal 10th GGM |
Thomas Pearsall 1586 - 1642 Mary Brent 1588 - 1655 |
by 1630 Virginia |
unknown | England Paternal 11th GGP |
Claas Van Damm 1563 - 1646 |
1620? New Amsterdam |
unknown | Holland Paternal 11th GGF |
Laurens deCampe 1647 - 1719 |
1664 New Amsterdam |
unknown | France Paternal 8th GGF |
Gillis de Mandeville 1630 - 1701 |
1659 New Amsterdam |
de Trouw | Holland Paternal 9th GGF |
David L. McCash 1758 - 1807 Margaret Ewing 1758 - 1804 |
1785 Virginia |
Isabella | Scotland Paternal 4th GGP |
Jane Roderick Hankins 1652 - 1693 |
1683 New Jersey |
unknown | England Paternal 8th GGM |
William Evelman 1687 - 1757 |
1710 New York |
unknown | Germany Paternal 7th GGF |
Thomas Prater 1604 - 1666 |
1622 Virginia |
Marie Providence | England Paternal 10th GGF |
John Nuthall 1616 - 1667 |
1627? Virginia |
unknown | England Paternal 10th GGF |
Matthew Rodham 1620 - 1671 |
1638 Maryland |
unknown | England Paternal 9th GGF |
Robert Hewitt 1592 - 1644 Hannah Cooper 1612 - 1675 |
1638 Virginia |
unknown | England Paternal 10th GGP |
Previous Immigrant Posts
I have previously written about a few of my immigrant ancestors. And, for those posts, included the source citations. Refer to the box at right to read more about a few of the individuals included in the tables above.
Other Posts About Immigrants
- 2024 Week 2: Origins about Johannes Laferre
- 2021 Week 28: Transportation about David and Margaret McCash
- 2021 Week 37: On the Farm about Johan Jacob Kready
- 2020 Week 1: Fresh Start is about my immigrant ancestors.
I have previously noted that I have not yet identified ALL my immigrant ancestors. But, I have identified about 150. Most of my immigrant ancestors are in the range of 6th to 10th great grandparents. We all have 1,024 8th great-grandparents, less any consanguineous marriages. That’s a lot of ancestors to trace, it will take time. This post is just the 62, or so, of my known paternal immigrant ancestors. So, the next table I build will be even bigger, stay tuned!
Contact me for the particular sources for any individuals in the tables above.