52 Ancestors,
in 52 Weeks
Week 3:
Favorite Photo
Yet Another Favorite Photo
This is the fifth year I have participated in the 52 Ancestors challenge, and therefore the fifth time I am writing about a favorite family photograph. This year I am highlighting a favorite photo of my grandaunt Grace Osborne Flucawa, 1887-1954. [1] Above all, I like this particular photograph because I believe it captures Aunt Grace’s personality. Grace was a happy, fun loving person and I can just imagine her jumping up on a park bench to dance.
Favorite Photo 2024
The photograph dates from 1928 and, in addition to Aunt Grace, includes a girl named Mary Ann Buskel. [2] This information is recorded on the back of the photo. But, who was Mary Ann Buskel? She was no relative of ours. The two of them appear to be having a fun time and I think Mary Ann’s family would enjoy seeing this old photo of her as a child. As a result, I’ve decided to lay down some breadcrumbs for anyone searching for Mary Ann.
Mary Ann Buskel
It was fairly simple to find Mary Ann with a search on Ancestry.com. I knew Aunt Grace lived in Indianapolis at the time the photo was taken, so it seemed reasonable that Mary Ann did as well. She looks to be about 8 years old in the photo, so I looked for her as a 10 year old in the 1930 census for Indianapolis. I soon discovered Mary Ann, age 11, living with her parents, Robert G. and Elizabeth J. Buskel. Robert was 57 and Elizabeth 40. Robert was a carpenter and they lived at 3715 N. Kenwood Ave. Aha! That’s how they knew Aunt Grace, they were neighbors.
A check of the 1920 census confirmed the Buskel’s lived at the same address in 1920 and Mary Ann is listed as 10 months old. From 1916 to 1929, Aunt Grace and her husband, Frank Flucawa, lived at 3732 N. Illinois St. which is the next street east from Kenwood. This means the Buskel’s were, basically ‘over the fence’ neighbors to the Flucawa’s at the time of Mary Ann’s birth until she was 10 years old. Somehow the Buskel’s became friends with the Flucawa’s and Mary Ann may have viewed Grace and Frank as an aunt and uncle. Grace and Frank raised poultry, vegetables, and flowers which they sold at the city market and probably their neighbors. Therefore, I suspect the Flucawa’s were popular with the neighbors, adults and children alike.
The Buskel’s home at 3715 N. Kenwood Ave. is the fourth house north on the map to the left. The Flucawa’s at 3732 N Illinois St. is the fourth house north of the apartment block. In the close-up above the Buskel home is in the bottom left corner and the Flucawa’s are the fourth house up on the right. The Buskel’s home is now an empty lot and there is now a Burger King where the Flucawa’s house once stood. 1916 Sanborn Map, detail of map leaf #574, Indianapolis, IN.
I hope Mary Ann Buskel’s descendants are researching their family and will subsequently discover this post and the photograph of their great-grandmother. Lastly, besides this favorite photo, I have other photographs that include the Buskel family.
Vitals for the Buskel family:
- Robert Gall Buskel, 1873-1939
- Elizabeth Jesse Haines, 1888-1952
- Mary Ann Buskel Levine, 1919-1994
Read my other Favorite Photo posts:
More Favorite Photos
- Profile for Grace Osborne Flucawa, ‘Osborn‘ family tree, Ancestry.com; https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/13493206/person/-60123978/facts
- Profile for Mary Ann Buskel, ‘Osborn‘ family tree, Ancestry.com; https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/13493206/person/102155076489/facts