Military Service
The military service of my 4th great grandfather, John Baldwin Osborn, is the basis for my family tree. I wrote about it earlier this year in the prompt “Beginnings.” [1] A lot of my early family research was focused on finding American Revolutionary Veterans among my ancestors. For several years I kept a running list of Veterans among my direct ancestors and shared it annually on Veteran’s Day with my family. Below is a table of my direct ancestors and their military service. If you recognize any of the names, or units, I am happy to share my research.
American Revolution
So far, I have discovered Revolutionary War military records for 29 direct ancestors. That seems like a lot, but some of the records were for providing supplies, working as a teamster, or brief service in a local militia. My 5th great-grandfather David McAnally has a well-documented American Revolution pension record that I describe in some detail for last year’s prompt “Power.” [2]
We all have 32 4th, 64 5th, and 128 6th great grandfathers. I have 121 Unknowns, 36 who never came to America, 1 immigrated after the war, and 11 who died prior to 1776 among my 224 4th, 5th, and 6th great grandfathers. That left 55 men in my tree to look at for American Revolutionary Veterans. I looked most closely at the 42 who were born between 1730 and 1760.
War of 1812
I have found 10 direct ancestors with War of 1812 military service. When researching War of 1812 veterans, I have focused on my male ancestor’s who were born between 1775 and 1795. I only had 16 direct ancestors who met this criteria. I featured the War of 1812 service of my 3rd great grandfather George W. Landon for last year’s prompt “Fire.” [3]
Civil War
Since childhood I have been aware of my great grandfather’s, David Osborne, Civil War service. I wrote about it a few years ago, “David L. Osborne, Civil War Soldier.” [4] My family research has led me to discover one paternal and three maternal 2x great grandfather’s, plus a maternal 3rd great grandfather, who served in Union Army units. Four of these 6 men performed their service prior to the birth of their child from whom I descend. It is this sort of realization that causes me to appreciate, even more, winning the birth lottery.
Direct Ancestor's Military Service
NOTES: * Immigrant; + POW; ^ KIA; # My ancestor born before the father's service
Name | Birth-Death | Rank and Service | M'trnl-P'trnl | #Grt GF | Notes |
King Phillip's War | |||||
William Darby | 1647-1701 | Private in Capt Scottow's Regiment from Boston | P | 7x | |
Robert Treat | 1625-1710 | Commander-in-Chief of the Connecticut forces | P | 8x | |
French/Indian War | |||||
Thomas Pannell | 1730-1808 | Private, under Capt. William Brown, near Pattison's Creek | M | 6x | # |
Revolutionary War | |||||
David Allen | 1743-1823 | Private in Capt. Nathaniel Bowman’s Co, 2nd NJ Batt. | P | 5x | #+ DAR A001428 |
Lawrence Brindle | 1742-1809 | Private in Capt. Wm. Strain's 6th Batt., Cumberland Cnty, PA | M | 5x | *# DAR A014535 |
John Crippen | 1740-1801 | Private in Capt. Thom. Parramore's 9th VA Infantry | M | 6x | # |
James M Dyer | 1732-1825 | Artificer in Capt. Jedidiah Thayer's Corps of Carpenters, VA | M | 5x | |
Michael Frye | 1743-1787 | Corp. in Capt. Zimmerman's Co, Lancaster Cnty, PA Militia | P | 5x | *# |
William Fuson | 1762-1835 | Private in Capts. Waller and Rubell's unit, VA Line, Henry Cnty | P | 4x | DAR A042774 |
John George | 1704-1784 | Patriotic Service, Virginia, Provided Supplies | M | 7x | # DAR A206327 |
Reuben George | 1734-1799 | Virginia Corps of Artificers | M | 6x | # |
Travis George | 1759-1833 | Private, 5 & 11th VA infantry, Cpt. Fleming, Col. McClenachan | M | 5x | |
Ebenezer Gilbert | 1734-1790 | Private, Ulster Cnty, Cantine's Reg., New York Militia | M | 6x | # |
George Gillespie | 1745-1822 | Private, Washington Cnty, PA Militia, Capt. Ramsey | P | 5x | # DAR A044800 |
Peter Haller Sr. | 1715-1799 | Patriotic Service, Virginia, Provided Supplies | M | 6x | *# DAR A054355 |
Richard Hankins | 1749-1823 | Minuteman in General Francis Marion's North Carolina militia | P | 5x | # |
Conrad Hebble | 1752-1850 | Militiaman, 5th class, Capt Metzger's Co, Lancaster, PA | P | 5x | |
John Hubbs | 1763-1844 | Private, Col Andrew Pickens Reg, South Carolina Militia | M | 5x | DAR A059456 |
Johann Philip Illges | 1752-1792 | Militiaman, 3rd class, in Capt. Thos. McNary Reg, PA Militia | P | 4x | |
Philip King | 1748-1818 | Militiaman, 6th Batt. in Capt. Wilson's Reg. York Cnty, PA | M | 5x | DAR A064723 |
Johan Jacob Kready | 1748-1828 | Grenadier Kassel Regiment of General von Rall (Hessian) | P | 4x | *+ |
William Major Jr. | 1740-1782 | Private, 14th VA Regiment, Continental Line, Col. Wm Davies | M | 6x | ^# |
David McAnally | 1748-1834 | Ensign and Sgt. with Cols. Taylor, Mead and Pope, VA Militia | M | 5x | # DAR A074427 |
John Baldwin Osborn | 1754-1848 | Sergeant in Capts. Nox and Lang's 1st Regiment, NJ Militia | P | 4x | DAR A084491 |
Thomas Pannell | 1730-1808 | Private, Capt. John Peyton Harrison's, 2nd Virginia Reg | M | 6x | # |
James Patterson | 1761-1838 | Private, Salisbury District, Rowan Cnty, North Carolina Militia | M | 5x | DAR A086392 |
Johannes F Rumple | 1735-1805 | Militiaman, 7th Co, 3rd Batt., Northampton Cnty, PA Militia | M | 5x | *# |
Johan Conrad Rumple | 1753-1833 | Militiaman, 7th Co, 6th Batt., Northampton Cnty, PA Militia | M | 4x | |
James Longman Skaggs | 1734-1816 | Scout, Montgomery Cnty, Virginia Militia, Capt. Dan. Trigg | M | 6x | # |
William Sparks | 1740-1788 | Captain in Benj. Davis Reg., Westmoreland Cnty, PA Militia | P | 5x | # DAR A107901 |
William Henry Tucker | 1744-1779 | Corporal, 1st Maryland Regiment of Col. John Stone | P | 5x | *^# DAR A116750 |
Thomas Woolsey Jr. | 1760-1797 | Private, Botetourt Cnty, Capt. McFarland's Reg. Virginia Militia | M | 5x | DAR A133073 |
Non-conflict service (Frontier protection) | |||||
Eli Skaggs | 1770-1833 | Private, Knox Co., TN Militia, Capt. Beairds Reg., 1792-1794 | M | 5x | |
War of 1812 | |||||
Robert Hill | 1780-1830 | Private 1st Regiment, Capt. Shelby's Mounted KY Militia | P | 4x | # |
William Hubbs | 1793-1879 | Private 1st Regiment, Capt. Dan'l Price's unit, TN Militia | M | 4x | |
Phillip King III | 1782-1846 | Private 2nd Regiment, Capt. James Taylor's unit, OH Militia | M | 4x | # |
George W Landon | 1790-1863 | Private 9th Regiment, Capt. Ed Landern's unit, MD Militia | P | 3x | |
James McCash | 1788-1871 | Teamster for the Quartermaster at Cincinnati | P | 3x | |
John Osborn | 1784-1839 | Private 3rd Regiment, Col. John Frelinghuysen's NJ Militia | P | 3x | # |
Newman Prater | 1775-1815 | Private 7th Regiment, Capt. Saunders unit, VA Militia | P | 4x | ^# |
Peter Shaver | 1790-1870 | Private Artillary Battalion, Capt. George Kempe's unit, VA Militia | M | 4x | |
John Sivey | 1775-1849 | Private 2nd Regiment, Capt. James Taylor's unit, OH Militia | M | 4x | |
Levi Tucker | 1774-1843 | Private 2nd Regiment, Capt. Hugh Flinn's unit, OH Militia | P | 4x | # |
Civil War (These are all Union companies) | |||||
James Andrew Dyer | 1845-1915 | Private, Company A, 1st Tennessee Infantry | M | 2x | |
James Koontz | 1840-1919 | Sergeant, Company F, 3rd Tennessee Infantry | M | 2x | |
David L Osborne | 1848-1942 | Private, Company D, 83rd Ohio Infantry | P | 1x | + |
William T Rumple | 1839-1912 | Private, Company H, 123rd Ohio Infantry | M | 2x | |
Jacob I Shaver | 1823-1909 | Private, Company A, 10th Tennessee Cavalry | M | 3x | # |
Samuel Warbington | 1828-1893 | Private, Company G, 13th Indiana Cavalry | P | 2x | # |
World War II | |||||
Robert LaFara | 1925-2004 | Sergeant in the 819th Bombardment Squadron, 30th Air Group | Father |
This data is based on my research to date, June 2021. I believe this data to be accurate, but there remains a chance the original data was transcribed poorly, or the records belong to a man of the same name.
* Immigrant
# My ancestor born before his service
Military Service of Note
Nearly all of my ancestors with military service records were privates or militiamen. But, there are a few of my direct ancestors with military service records that stand out.
My 8th great grandfather was Robert Treat, 1622-1710, of Milford, CT. He immigrated from England with his parents when still a teenager. As an adult he became an influential person in his community. He was a Major with the Connecticut Militia in 1673 and soon received an appointment as Commander in Chief for the Connecticut Colony when they joined with an indigenous coalition against the Narragansett Indian’s during King Phillip’s War, 1675-1678. By 1683, Robert Treat became Governor of Connecticut and is credited with hiding the colonies’ charter in an oak tree when control of the colony was briefly assumed by an appointee from England. Robert Treat had a storied career that includes being credited with founding Newark, New Jersey. [5]
Johan Jacob Kready was my 4th great grandfather, he served during the American Revolution, but his service was for a German Mercenary unit attached to the British. Jacob was among the Hessians taken prisoner on the day after Christmas in 1776 at Trenton, NJ. He probably was pressed into service in Germany, he appears to have come from a poor farming family. As a POW, he was pressed into service as a farm laborer in Lancaster County, PA on the farm of my 5th great grandfather, Johan Jacob Frey. At the conclusion of the War, Jacob married the farmer’s daughter, my 4th great grandmother Elizabeth Frey. The Frey’s were German immigrants, so I imagine Jacob fit right in. He went on to prosper as a farmer and he and Elizabeth had nine children. It is likely he has thousands of descendants living today in the United States.
Two of my ancestors, James Dyer and Reuben George, have American Revolutionary military records that describe them as Artificers. I had not heard this term before. It is a skilled mechanic, carpenter, or other craftsmen. In this case, they were serving in a military capacity. Artificers not only built or repaired various weaponry, particularly artillery and artillery mounts, they also made fortifications, barrels, wheels, carts, harnesses, and shod horses. [6]
When I first researched my Tennessean ancestors, I was surprised to discover that the three who served during the Civil War all served in Union Army regiments. But, then I realized they all came from Union County, TN. The county name reflects the desire of the citizens to support the Union in the lead-up to the Civil War. Although, they supported seceding from Tennessee once Tennessee seceded from the Union.
I wrote about my father’s World War II service earlier this year for the post “Air.” [7]

Most of my research of military service has been done online using records found on Ancestry.com, Fold3.com, the DAR online database [8] and various state libraries with online databases of veterans. I have compiled a fairly exhaustive list of my known direct ancestors’ service records. I expect that, as I break through my genealogy brick walls, I will discover more veterans and will further add to my list. Watch this space.
- Blog post, Family Finds: Beginnings; https://barblafara.com/beginnings/
- Blog post, Family Finds: Power; https://barblafara.com/power/
- Blog post, Family Finds: Fire; https://barblafara.com/fire/
- Blog post, Family Finds: David L Osborne, Civil War Soldier; https://barblafara.com/david-l-osborne-civil-war-soldier/
- Website, The Gene Pool: Robert Treat;; https://sites.rootsweb.com/~genepool/treatrob.htm
- Website, Wikipedia: Armed Forces Artificer; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed-forces_artificer
- Blog post, Family Finds: Air; https://barblafara.com/air/
- Website, DAR: Ancestor Search; https://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search/default.cfm/
Submit a Comment

This is very interesting and a phenomenal amount of research. I cannot even imagine researching all these people and having the amount of information that you have. My earliest ancestor with military service was my great-grandfather who served in the Spanish American War. Of course, my ancestors did not come to this country as early as yours did.
I thoroughly enjoyed this post.
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment, Cheryl!
Hello Barb, looks like we share a couple relatives. Levi Tucker was my maternal 4th great grandfather and William Tucker my fifth maternal great grandfather. Thank you for the info and all to dedication to finding these records.